AGM & Registration Night

As the final meeting of the 2016/17 season has finished, we look at getting set for the upcoming 2017/18 season, which is already looking like it could be a fantastic one!

First up is the Annual General Meeting this is open up to ALL members to attend and encourage as many of you to turn up as possible. This meeting is to discuss rule changes, committee members, where club is going, plans for the season, licence fees etc. We value all members and the club cannot run without them and this is one time where you can have your say and ask any questions you wish.

AGM – Wednesday 15th February 8pm at the Ex Servicesmans Club, Carnforth.

Second is the Registraion Night, for this up coming season we have a new membership form, which must be filled in fully so we can update our records, we are trying to move with the times and build up a database where by we can contact members via email if possible to save on paper and stamps. If you are a new member and wanting to register and dont currently have a number, choose at least 3 just in case the one you want is already been used or is reserved. Dont forget to bring two passport photos and any new junior drivers must produce a copy of a birth certificate.

Registration Night – Wednesday 22nd February 8pm at the Ex Servicemans Club Carnforth.

To get to the Ex Servicemans Club use the following postcode in your sat nav LA5 9JY or you can find the location on the map below.